Saturday, June 26, 2010

One small step for Ryan, two giant proud parents!

Ryan officially started walking the other day (june 24, 2010). He's taken a few steps before, but this time he just kept going! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He truly is becoming a small boy. In almost two weeks he'll be turning 1 year old - I cannot believe he is not an infant anymore. I have a toddler. It almost breaks my heart in a bitter sweet way because I really tried to cherish every moment I had with him as an infant. I have sweet moments, and moments that felt like pure torture. I look at Ryan and beam with pride, and I am glad he sleeps through the night, but there's a part of me that hurts because I already have to let that part of our lives go. I know that Ryan will always be my baby, sometimes I just wish I could hit the pause button.

1 comment:

ma P said...

pause pause pause pause just won't stick!!

Brooklyn Marion

Brooklyn Marion
Born May 19, 2011

Ryan Thomas

Ryan Thomas
Born July 15, 2009