Sunday, June 28, 2009

2 Weeks

Technically I have 2 weeks left, but truly little Ryan will determin when he would like to enter the world. It seems as if he wants to come out because he keeps trying to stretch out, but he runs into my ribs and can't go much further. I am having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions these days - none of them are painful but a few have been "uncomfortable," which is good because that apparently means things are "preparing" down below. I have an appt on Wed to find out if things are starting to happen. Other than that no other signs have really happened yet. No real contractions, but I'm sure they'll be coming soon enough. I can't believe he's almost here - we can't wait to meet him.

Tom is almost finished with his woodworking projects for baby. He built a book case for all Ryan's wonderful little books and he's almost finished with a little table that will be next to the glider. It will hold the lamp, clock, etc.

For the past 3 weeks we've been watching Bo, our pastor's dog, while they were on vacation. Bo goes home on Wed. Payton will be sad to see her friend go, but probably pleased to have all the attention again. This will mark the beginning of my "nesting." I've been waiting to vacuum until Bo was gone, just to keep from having to do it again.

My parents fly in on Sat the 4th so that they can hopefully be here for the birth of Ryan. They have a couple of weeks before they have to return home, so hopefully he comes in this window! Please be praying for their travels and that they'd get to see their grandchild!

1 comment:

Grammy Wass said...

What a great photo! You look so relaxed and comfy in your "nest". Pay and Bo are perfectly posed also. Can't wait to see ALL of you very soon! Lots of love, Grammy

Brooklyn Marion

Brooklyn Marion
Born May 19, 2011

Ryan Thomas

Ryan Thomas
Born July 15, 2009